With the newest additions to our MaxAir dryer offering, we can offer the industry’s most complete suite of drying solutions. Now operators can choose the dryer types that best complement their wash bay budgets and business models for maximum return on investment

The key to MaxAir drying performance and energy savings is optimizing air velocity and flow. Through innovative design, MaxAir Dryers delivers high-velocity air to the vehicle surface – where it's most important.

For installation and operational flexibility, MaxAir’s Integrated Drying System takes all the features of the standalone system and tightly integrates them into the bridge  of the car wash. Integrated dryers also can perform a unique FlashDry® service, taking no additional time for a basic dry, by performing a rinse and dry in a single operation. Developed on the simple theory that it is easier to remove water that is already moving - FlashDry improves rinsing while removing over 80% of the water all in a single pass. 



  • Integrated adjustable side producers
  • Improved drying with no additional bay requirements
  • Advanced Cover Package Option
  • Promote your brand and messages through the entire wash process
  • Quad Swing Air 4 Producer Oscillation
  • Significantly improves drying performance and customer satisfaction
  • Integrate fiberglass control box
  • Minimal installation time and higher quality electrical system
  • Stainless Steel Frame
  • Corrosion resistance from the harsh car wash environment
  • Wall or Floor Mounted Models
  • Installation flexibility to accommodate wash bay requirements.

MaxAir Drying Systems

MaxAir maximizes air velocity to the vehicle surface by using concentrated air columns. You see examples of this principle in action every day. To make a garden hose more effective, you concentrate the water flow to increase water impact. To make a flashlight brighter, you concentrate the light beam. The same concept applies to MaxAir. Concentrated air columns are achieved by using round discharging nozzles at the bottom of the dryer outlet. Round nozzles are more effective than square or rectangular ones. Nozzles that are not round tend to break up the airflow, causing more of the air to disperse and lose velocity as it travels through the surrounding air. By concentrating the air columns, MaxAir delivers high-velocity air to the vehicle surface – whether it’s a tall SUV or low profile sports car.

MaxAir utilizes four stationary 7.5 horsepower blowers with the two center blowers in line to take advantage of air drafting. Drafting is a technique used by racecar drivers that literally splits the air. However, drafting is not limited to the world of motor sports. MaxAir also employs the technique. The first blower does the job of breaking the air, reducing the amount of wind resistance the trailing blower experiences. The trailing blower can now work on evaporating water off the vehicle surface. Optional 7.5hp side producers can be added to increase drying effectiveness even further.

MaxAir blowers are strategically positioned to move water quickly off the vehicle surface using the shortest distance possible. When water droplets move on a vehicle, they split. The more they split, the smaller they become. Unfortunately, smaller water droplets are more difficult to move. With MaxAir, large water droplets move quickly off the vehicle sides rather than up and over the vehicle.

Increase your drying performance with the new MaxAir 6-nozzle with Sidekicks. The Sidekick options is available on the standalone MaxAir 6-producer with fixed or oscillating nozzles. The Sidekicks provide improved drying performance along sides of vehicles.

MaxAir’s advanced covers image package is available with all Sidekick configurations in both leg and wall mount installations. This product bulletin will summarize the new key features for owners and technicians.

SwingAir Synchronized Motion Drying System

Your customers will enjoy drier vehicles with PDQ's new SwingAir Synchronized Motion Drying System. The enhanced SwingAir oscillating feature improves dryer performance while still using less energy than most conventional dryers.

This system incorporates motion in the center producers to help sweep water off of the vehicle's top surface, you choose two nozzles or four nozzles to oscillate, allowing additional side nozzles to push water down and off the sides of the vehicle

SwingAir’s oscillating feature sweeps water from the surface of vehicles. Reposition non-oscillating outside top producers to create a wider drying envelope for total vehicle coverage. For 6-producer configurations, angle the side producers inward for even better drying on the sides of vehicles for improved customer satisfaction.


Consult Factory for additional available configurations to suit your drying needs

MaxAir with SideKicks

MaxAir with SideKicks

 MaxAir 4 Producer

MaxAir 4 Producer

SwingAir 6 Producer

SwingAir 6 Producer

MaxAir 6 Producer

MaxAir 6 Producer

MaxAir Dryers

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